posted by Charles on 13 Feb 2010 at 5:46 pm
I would very much like to hear feedback from people as to weather 1) they have heard of the bats 2) If you have seen any of their shows and what you thought. 3)Do you get involved with any amateur dramatics.
I am trying to find out what sort of standing the BATS have with its community etc.
Join The Group
posted by Claire blight on 18 Sept 2016 at 10:11 pm
Hi I would be interested in joining up with the group, can you contact me about it
BATS In The Past
posted by Tony Newton on 08 Mar 2017 at 12:04 am
My mother was an enthusiastic fan of the BATS, first because one its actresses was a woman who had been Elsie Toon in my class at Ninfield school in the early 1950s ( can't remember what her suname was when she married), but also because they were good. As a result of good opinuions in my house hold about am dram, i finally got invoved myself, firsat in London and now as a retiree in West Sussex and hants.