posted by Jon on 25 Jan 2011 at 1:35 pm
Is anyone else concerned with what is happening to the park? Making huge clearances which once gave wildlife sanctuary? And now they're repaving the pond etc,and many birds may not return..just after some Coots arrived here. But i don't expect the council to give a flying hoot about that. As was proven when they cleared many bushes years ago,depleting the sparrow population massively.
IF they must do something with the pond,please ENLARGE it.Cut away the bowling green area (there are a few greens west side of park after all,sorry bowlers,nothing against you).
I think it would be fantastic to increase the area of water two fold.Now THAT would be a good thing i believe.
Change For The Worst
posted by Ann Welch on 26 Jan 2011 at 6:40 pm
I have not visited my old town Bexhill for a while, but I keep in touch with a few people there and I heard about the pond, what sort of park is it if it hasn't got a pond or lovely high trees and bushes? I have also heard that the little shelters that were along the seafront have all been removed but that the council has put in a lot of those boring flower beds. Bexhill used to be unique, people would come for the day to experience a sort of time warp. I was recently in Alexandria Egypt and said 'this reminds me of Bexhill " but then I remembered that it was the Bexhill of memory, so many Edwardian buildings having been torn down by developers and what they could not get permission to tear down have been burnt down by arsonist developers, this is all when Bexhill is attracting interest from younger professionals and the arts community yet it's uniqueness is not valued by the council. Its sad to see such destruction by people without vision