posted by Julie on 01 Jun 2011 at 8:06 pm
If anyone would like a weekly emailed newsletter from Bexhill Police which tells us 'what they're up to' and gives helpful tips and enables us to help them please email sergeant Dan Fuller to request it along with your postcode.
daniel.fuller[AT] (replace [AT] with @)
Police Neighbourhood Watch Meeting
posted by Julie on 10 Jun 2011 at 7:36 pm
This is a reminder to everyone that the next general Bexhill Neighbourhood Watch Meeting will be on Thursday 7th July 2011 at 2pm at the Town Hall in Bexhill. The new Rother District Chief Inspector - Trevor Botting is to attend so it will be a chance to meet with him.
Lost Rc Radio
posted by Steven wanstall on 22 Oct 2013 at 2:06 pm
On friday the 18th of October i was down on bexhill seafront with my rc trucks and buggies,
And have lost my transmitter which controls one of my trucks, its a DX2E DSM 2.4ghz 2 channel radio transmitter its got red writing on it its a trigger rc remote radio transmitter, if anyone finds it or knows where it is,
Please contact steve on 07521713940