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Desperate Plea Re Theatre Trip!

posted by Julie Rossall on 02 Jun 2011 at 5:51 pm

Our social group, 'ChatterBex' (developed through my original posting 'Finding Social Contacts' on this board) now has nearly 30 members!!
We are having a theatre trip to see 'Joseph' in Brighton on the 22/06/11 (Wed). The cost including coach fare is ?22.50 each. We have some tickets spare that have been paid for, and desperately need to sell the remaining places.
Would anyone like to join us? All ages invited! Please email me jellylegs61@yahoo.co.uk Julie

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New To Bexhill

posted by jan on 29 May 2014 at 7:53 pm

Hello Julie
My sister gave me your details as I recently moved to bexhill. I am currently splitting my time between bexhill and America. I was in bexhill until May and I will be coming back in december and I would like to contact you when I get back if that is OK.

That's Fine, Jan!

posted by julie rossall on 07 Jun 2014 at 9:24 pm

You are welcome to contact me when you return, Jan

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