posted by Dave on 02 Dec 2012 at 4:43 pm
Dose anyone have any photos of the old rail bridge that crossed the little common road by the viking chip shop at the junction of London road.or indeed any photos of the bexhill west to crowhurst line or surrounding areas,I'm putting a little project together before the bulldozers move in to build the northern approach road, ( if its ever built that is ).
Viaduct On Old Rail Line
posted by Sandy Melvin on 25 Dec 2012 at 10:31 am
The West Station restaurant has a picture of the old viaduct and also information on the railway line
Rail Line Bexhill West
posted by dave on 12 Jan 2013 at 4:02 pm
Thanks for the info sandy,I have lots of pictures of the viaduct etc, I wonder if anyone is documenting in photos the unfolding story of the construction of the new road, hahahah I can't believe they are finally building something there,I used to walk down the old railway on the way to school every day,It has changed much in that time,I can remember the signs going up in 1972 saying the new road will be built here soon, well 41 years later they are getting on with it I guess.
Bexhill West Railway Line
posted by Dave Nattress on 13 Jan 2013 at 8:37 pm
A couple of years ago a DVD was produced by Douglas Steadman, which I bought. May have been produced by I'm sure there was also a booklet published a few years ago which I have in the depths of my study - can;t find right now. When I do, I'll post the details.
Bexhill West Railway Line
posted by Jude on 17 Jan 2013 at 8:44 pm
There's a DVD for rent in the library about the railway line. I'm not sure if it's the one which Dave Nattress is referring to or not. It's upstairs in the local section, not with the DVDs and when I got it out, it was free. Well worth a watch.
posted by dave on 19 Jan 2013 at 5:01 pm
Thanks for the information I will see if I can find a copy,being born and bred in bexhill. I spent most of my childhood playing up the railway in one form or another, It makes me laugh because the area off of london road that everyone is harping on about the trees was open gravel and grass then full of rubble, there was a small signal box that we used to climb on and that was it, but we spent days down there building camps and having great fun.
Downs Arch
posted by mike pannell on 31 Jan 2013 at 11:16 am
Hi Dave
Great to see you are trying to record al this before it goes. Downs arch is pretty elusive but does appear in the book 'A journey remembered' by Paul Clark. I have some 400 or so photos of the branch line and so far have about 150 scanned and on the web here
collecting more and more by the day as well, its fascinating to see Sidley station platforms coming to light again after all these years....i had a feeling they were just buried !
We had a follow up book to 'A journey remembered all set to print but it never happened ...we should do it now.
please get in touch !
Bexhill West Line
posted by dave on 03 Feb 2013 at 3:28 am
wow i have just looked at the photos on your link, What I would give to be able to go back to that time with my camera now.the railway has always been of great interest to me,my email address is davebloggs007 at
I would love to see any photos that you might have.
Bexhill West No.2 Signal Box
posted by ron robinson on 31 Jul 2013 at 2:37 pm
Hi all,at a slight tangent I am trying to find enough photographic info. on the above box so that I can reproduce it in 4mm scale.Quite a challenge as it had 123 levers although I understand only 80 were working in 1958 Anything appreciated all the best Ron
posted by Andy Chant on 02 Jul 2016 at 11:14 pm
Hi all, does anyone know the SE&CR four-digit numbers for any of the structures on Bexhill West Branch or indeed any for the Tonbridge - Hastings line? Regards, Andy.