posted by gremlin on 08 Sept 2013 at 2:33 am
well it's so nice to see the powers that be are leaping head first into the 20th century.
the fisherman's event was on the seafront this weekend. I walk my dog along there very often and have my dog on her lead as the council requests on their many signs in that area.
so I attempt to go into the area of a few sorry looking stands and I am obstructed by a large polite security guard. sorry sir, no dogs are allowed. I protest that it is public land and indicate various signs stating that dogs are allowed on a lead.
there are food stalls sir, dogs are not allowed.
so when we have the 'French market' and the xmas market there are food stalls. dogs are allowed then.
surely this event should be no different ? after all it's in the open by the sea and it is publicly owned land.
so who organised this event and made this decision ? a lot of people with dogs were being turned away. it seems to be against Rother Council policy.
So fishermen of bexhill, when do you fancy joining the 21st century ?
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