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Lunsford Brickworks (Redland Era)

posted by Dave Hemsley on 01 Apr 2016 at 2:15 pm

In my younger days I used to work at Turkey Road Brickworks I started as an operator of the wire cut brick making machine and ended as the winch operator pulling the skips of clay up from the pit, my overtime used to consist of working in or under the beehive kilns now long gone however I can remember an artist who used to visit the yard to paint pictures of various parts of the works I have been looking for years trying to find any of those paintings without any success. I left employment just before the old kilns were demolished sometime in the 60's I think.

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Brick Work Memories

posted by Tony Rogers on 03 May 2017 at 5:24 pm

Well Dave, I don't remember an artist at the brickworks, but this post brings back other memories!

Bearing off bricks on the conveyer belt with Jim Day - my back is still aching!

Foreman Alf-a giant of a man who kept us all in check!

Working like hell shovelling clay down a big hole to keep the brick making machine ful up!

Crawling under the machinery, while it was still running, to clean out the clay falling on to the floor. These days health and safety would have a fit! In fact, the whole factory was a death trap!

In later years with the brickworks a distant memory, I delivered milk to
your mum in Ashby Close. Much safer!!

Funny to recall those days many years ago.

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