posted by Jude on 06 Oct 2008 at 8:48 pm
Does anyone have any views on the plans for the Colonnade and the shelters on the seafront? Do you think we should maintain the Edwardian image or go along with the Council plans for the stainless steel space age look?
Modernisation In Moderation
posted by M Woolf on 07 Oct 2008 at 2:28 pm
To answer the "steel shelters" question first, personally I think they look like public conveniences, which is what they would probably end up as! They are so crass, I wonder if they are not just a "red rag" to get some local debate going. The problem is that very few people understand
(a) what money is available for regeneration/development and where it comes from
(b) who is responsible for doing what. There is no point in berating the local council for something that is the responsibility of, for example, central government
(c) planning regulations
(d) architectural constraints - what is physically possible; and
(e) aesthetics. They all know what they like, of course! - not necessarily the same thing as good taste.
On top of that the town has more than its fair share of moaning old codgers and a vocal lunatic fringe, who tend to shout down any ideas that are put forward: the selfish "we don't want change, we might have to pay for it" brigade. They will drag us all down into impoversihed senility if we let them.
Firtly, though, there should be more and better quality information available, to allow people to be consulted and put forward their views from a knowledgeable position. It is essential, in my view, to maintain the fabric and character of the town, but at the same time to add to its ameneties for locals and attractions for visitors (a farmers' market? a youth centre? a venue for trade fairs? hosting a national event?) and to encourage employers to locate here, because without employment the younger people will have to move away, shops will fail, and the town will die. I really like Bexhill. I chose to live here, and I certainly don't want it to become another Brighton, but no town can support itself on nostalgia and the state pension.
Hey Jude
posted by Michael upton on 15 Oct 2008 at 8:18 pm
First of all may I refer you to Vol 1 of Spike Milligans six volume trilogy of his autobigraphy entitled "adolf hitler,my part in his downfall". Secondly,its seems almost inevitable that after spending an obscene amount of money on a restoration project that local councillors(in their wisdom),they will spend more money(your money),on ruining it.For petes sake the prom,the De La Warr pavillion are the only things that distinguish Bexhill from a hundred other seaside towns,in Gods name why cant they leave things alone?
How Far?
posted by Sue on 25 Jan 2010 at 11:10 am
Hi... I often walk along Bexhill seafront and aboslutely love it! Can anyone tell me the distance from the East end of the prom before it goes up the hill to the other end, by the public toilets? Just interested to know how far I have walked!! Thank you.
posted by Ashley on 05 Jul 2010 at 2:10 pm
If the picture posted on the west end of the promenade (by the toilets) is to scale and accurate I think whoever is responsible for the design should be sued for destroying our beautiful sea-front.
I haven't met anyone yet who doesn't hate it.
posted by Steve on 15 Nov 2010 at 4:25 pm
I saw what they have done for the first time yesterday. It is not far off being vandalism.
They are converting the seafront to accomodate the few people who visit in the 4 months that we optimistically call summer. Anyone living locally seems not to enter into the equation yet they are the only people likely to make this pebble beach a leisure destination. Anybody with any sense heads to a sandy beach if they fancy at the seaside!!
Oh, and btw, what led you to believe that that sort of planting can survive on the sea-front?
Our money in their hands? No wonder we're in trouble.
The Seafront Bexhill On Sea
posted by Gill on 14 Jan 2011 at 1:48 pm
For all those who are horrified at the state of the west prom remember who are responsible at election time in May. Vote for those who care about our town and want to do whats best for you the residence.
Sea Front Development
posted by sharon gulliver on 24 Feb 2011 at 8:03 pm
I am so saddened by the 'development' along the western end of the promenade. It us nothing short of aribtrary and random and looks destined to be featureless and bland. Also, what has happened to the calendar sundial that used to be near the putting green? Has it been preserved or is it under the pile of rubble and materials that seem to be piled on its spot? A lot of the charm that Bexhill has held for many, has been effectively obliterated. Is this change for change's sake or even worse, is it some financial 'back scratching' scam by those in power in the council?
What Is Happening To The DLW?
posted by Lin on 25 Feb 2011 at 11:48 pm
I visited Bexhill prom for the first time yesterday since last summer. What on earth is happening to the DLW grounds and the prom??? I was hoping to sit outside the cafe on the prom in front of the DLW with a cup of tea and was shocked to see it's been completely demolished! Why has the putting green been dug up? The proposed artist's impression of the "regeneration" I saw on a poster looked absolutely hideous. The old prom, with its gentle, relaxing olde worlde feel was the reason people came to Bexhill prom.
Sea Front
posted by Lyn Leake on 08 Apr 2011 at 9:32 am
As an ex resident of Little Common, I am truly saddened by the new image to the sea front. I think the hard landscaping is inappropriate, the planting has not followed the wisdom of those who know what will survive, some of the wood cubes are splitting, sharp edges everywhere, for children to gash themselves against. It is a complete mish mash with no coherent theme. I now see some of the new work is being dug up. I would rather see the disgusting facilities you call WC's were refurbished. That alone would be cause for applause.
posted by eric on 03 Aug 2011 at 8:07 pm
Visited Bexhill today for the first time in a year or so. Completely horrified at what been done to the once beautiful prom. It appears that neither visitors nor residents wanted this or like it. The main reason we've loved Bexhill and have kept coming back was its uniqueness, it's like nowhere else, now it could be any UK seaside resort. Once a beautiful place to visit and many happy memories now its all been spoilt.Progress for progress sake? Seriously unimpressed!!
Mixed Feelings
posted by Nick Hickson on 13 Aug 2011 at 6:41 pm
I visit Bexhill several times a year for a day out and am rather surprised at the horrible looking wooden shelters on the West promenade. It is a shame that the putting green has gone too.
More annoying for me is the changes that were made to the catering facilities inside the De la Warr pavilion after its refurb. Prior to that the cafe section provided nice cheap lunches and was very popular with the locals, who I presume have gone elsewhere as all you can get now is a bowl of soup and a range of sandwiches unless, of course you go into the restaurant section - this is always practically empty at lunchtimes!
The cafe itself is very draughty and cacophonous due to empty bottles being throw into bins and cutlery and cups and plates being arranged.
posted by Wilson on 23 Sept 2011 at 3:36 pm
We visited Bexhill, for the first time in 18 months, it was a complete shock to see the vandalism of the West side of Bexhill seafront, by the council.
It looks a bloody eyesore, what a waste of money.
A Positive View
posted by Caroline on 14 Jan 2012 at 3:54 pm
I absolutely love the new development along West Parade. I have taken photos ever since it began and am amazed at the transformation and dedicated hard work by all involved in bringing it to fruition.
I've lived in Bexhill since 1998 (I was born in Hastings) and am dismayed by the apathy and negativity of some local residents and visitors who refuse to embrace change and think everything has to stay the same for ever and ever.
The putting green would probably have remained if people had bothered to support it. How can you keep something going if it's not financially viable?
I've seen lots of childrene enjoying playing along West Parade on the new climbing apparatus and sitting inside the rubber tyre and spinning it around. There have been hundreds of people strolling along the proomenade since it reopened, in all weathers. I have photos to prove it. And of people happily sitting in the new SHELTERS. Also of people admiring the beautifully coloured flowers and plants.
It's so easy to blame the Council, and blame the Government, to blame religion, to blame the unemployed, the asylum seekers, your neighbour, your partner, your friend ~ the dog.
Isn't it about time to stop this blame culture? Or do you want to feel bitter and complain about anything and everything that changes for the rest of your lives?
I'd like to see a Poll done by RDC to find out what percentage of people living in Bexhill like/dislike the new-look West Parade. Statements such as "the majority" of local people not liking it have been bounded about willy nilly ~ lets have some REAL proof.
2012 Official Guide To Bexhill
posted by Barbara Young on 04 Mar 2012 at 7:09 pm
I picked up the Bexhill 2012 leaflet in the De la warr Pav today. It said the work on the colonnade had been completed and the water fountains were completed. Obviously not the case. There is a huge hole where the workings of the fountains are and if the colonnade is completed it's very poor workmanship because water is seeping through the roof. Also we couldn't see any signs of the children's play area. I concede it was raining but are the works behind schedule?
Love It
posted by Tony on 06 Mar 2012 at 5:32 pm
I'm with Caroline.
I think the works look great and bring Bexhill firmly into the 21st century whilst being sympathetic to it's past. The kids play areas are a great idea, the shelters are stylish as is the retail space under the Colonnade.
Yes there are a couple of teething problems (which look like they are being resolved now) but that's to be expected on a project of this size.
I'm also looking forward to the proposed playground upgrade in Egerton Park.
Embrace change....if we stand still, we go nowhere.
Seafront Rejuvenated
posted by Claire on 09 Sept 2013 at 8:55 pm
Despite the many local protestations, I must just say as a regular visitor to Bexhill on Sea, I love the new landscaping planting on the promenade. It's wonderful to see municipal planting being bold and interesting and full of seaside and sandy soil loving plants that look great swaying in the sea breeze or wind. I suspect they are less expensive to maintain in the long run than traditional bedding schemes of annuals. Hats off to the designers, gardeners and decision-makers.
I do hope that the stunning seafront landscaping as well as the absolutely brilliant, revived Egerton Park will help to draw in visitors and new families to help boost the economy of Bexhill. I'm guessing the garden designers were tipping their hats at the ultra fashionable status Bexhill had in its 1930s heyday with their very of-the-moment planting and street furniture.
I do hope everyone can learn to love it as I too loved the old Edwardian seafront and the old Egerton Park but these changes are really inspiring and I have been crowing about them to friends and family for the last year or so thereby giving lovely Bexhill some much needed free PR. People find it hard to believe if they know of Bexhill. It's reputation is sadly not great. These changes will help overturn those prejudices.
It's been great to see more visitors on the seafront, more children having fun again in the fountains and climbing sculptures and young people right up to teenagers really making use of, having fun and keeping fit in Egerton Park. Hats off again.
I wish you all well. Bexhill is a fantastic place. Thanks for sharing it with us regular visitors or daytrippers. We are all contributing to the local economy. (esp our old favourites- Di Paolo's!! First rate!)
PS Let's see some new postcards of Bexhill too. Can the council, tourist info, De La Warr, Chamber of Commerce etc pull together and get some up-to-date ones printed? The revived and very good museum doesn't even have any that show off Bexhill properly.
It Grows On You
posted by gremlin on 14 Sept 2013 at 4:33 pm
I didn't like it when it was completed and still dont like those weird looking shelters and those rubbish bins.
however, overall it is an improvement over the unloved putting green and grass on the west side.
nothing can be to everyone's taste and suggesting it's a majority view to hate it and castigate the council is simply narrow minded parochialism.
it would be interesting to see the ages of the posters to see whether the complaints are throughout the age ranges or restricted to on age group.
Please Don't Change
posted by donald gray on 14 Sept 2013 at 8:32 pm
Thanks to KEANE's song the sovereign light café we have visited Bexhill twice this year, we have walked the complete length of the west parade, I think it is a credit to Bexhill, it is clean and tidy, a pleasure to walk along, such a change from our sea fronts in Essex, please don't change, thanks to KEANE and Bexhill, we will be back soon.
Keep Up The Good Work
posted by Pauline Tett on 02 Oct 2013 at 3:38 pm
Visited Bexhill for the first time yesterday and loved the seafront landscaping along West Parade and,in particular, the imaginative use of wooden features. Such a change from the usual municipal planting of pansies and dhalias. Admittedly, I have no idea what was demolished to make way for this but it chimes well with the Pavilion.