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Sidley Station

posted by Barry on 03 Jan 2007 at 1:44 pm

I was born in Bexhill, in 1945, was married there, and lived, and was a regular visitor until mine, and my wife's parents died some 10 years ago. Anyway, your info about Sidley Station is wrong. I believe that it was closed at around the same time as Bexhill West Station. I travelled on the penultimate train, on a Sunday night, from Bexhill West, and, when they had steam trains running on the line, used to train spot on Sidley Station. A bit of a waste of time, as there were only a couple of different locomotives, and an 'Austerity' goods locomotive.

Perhaps you could include information on the goods yard, where Beeching Way now stands. It was a large concern in it's time, but it fell into disuse before the station went. Strange that I remember this, as I am not a train buff! I went to school at the Down Junior School (now King Offa's) and learnt to swim in 'the Baths' as they were called.

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Sidley Station

posted by Pollie Millen on 09 Jun 2009 at 9:32 pm

Hi I live in the old station house adjacent to the old station and love the history of my house do you have any pictures. I have seen a few but hoped I could see my house more just see the eves mainly

Bexhill West

posted by dave on 05 Jul 2009 at 2:29 am

I don't have any photos of the stations or your house however you are correct bexhill west and sidley station closed at the same time, after lord beeching decided it wasn't comercially viable anymore, can you imagen how busy that line would be if it was still there today.beeching was very short sighted.

Goods Yard, London Road

posted by Eve Kiff (nee Perrett) on 09 Aug 2009 at 7:34 pm

I worked in the goods yard from 1955 until 1960 at M. P. Harris & Co., Ltd. which was a Builders' Merchants. Also there was Bowles Timber Yard and Hall & Co., Ltd., Coal Merchants. The goods trains used to screech and shunt all day long. The little steam trains used to puff along the top of the bank just outside our office. One of the girls went out with one of the train drivers and she used to climb up the bank - he would stop the train and they would have a little cuddle before he went on his way! Those were the days!


posted by dave on 03 Oct 2009 at 9:02 pm

yes lord beeching has alot to answer for in closing the railways, can you imagen how busy that line would be now if it was still there.

Beeching Not All Bad

posted by rc on 02 Nov 2009 at 7:47 pm

dave - I agree to an extent that what Beeching instigated was a shame, but what he did was inevitable - at the time, around 50% of the rail network carried only around 4% of the rail traffic. Some even think that his move towards a more efficient network actually saved more of it from being axed.

Station House

posted by Chris on 03 Jan 2010 at 7:01 pm

Hi Pollie
are you referring to Sidley Station House? If it is, I lived there from before the line closure through to the 1970's. The garden was was much larger in those days with a small orchard. The grammer school children who travelled by train would scrump delicious red apples by climbing the bank before taking the long walk to school. The goods yard and station were active with steam freight locos and diesel passenger trains. The smell of creosote on a hot day from the fence manufacturer by the engine shed was wonderful. Ah - halcyon days.

Sidley Station

posted by mary wrotchford on 05 Jan 2010 at 7:07 am

Hi there, I remeber the station very well, I used it to visit relatives in Robertsbridge. I lived in the road opposite, Wrestwood rd, and my best friend at school Edna Thornton's father was the railway Porter there. It was a bit of a pain carrying ones bike down the steps to the platform which I needed the other end. Happy days.

Sidley Station

posted by Rod Clifton on 24 Jun 2010 at 11:26 pm

Hi Barry, I was born in Sidley in 1952, and share your need to explore the past.look at http://www.disused-stations.org.uk. It shows pics of Bexhill West, which was an auction room, and Sidley which is a private house. Good luck. Rod.

Sidley Station

posted by Mick Markwick on 25 Sept 2012 at 1:26 pm

Bit late to continue comments but I have only just found this site.
I am Wrestwood Road born and bred, a quarter of a mile from the old station. Yes, train spotting there was a bit mundane except for the time Bo Peep tunnel was closed and all the London/Hastins trains came through Sidley. Cannot remember when that was though. I left Sussex in 1959 to start an apprenticeship at Rugby so missed the closure.
Two little books to read about the line are:-
The Bexhill West Branch Line by Peter Harding
A Journey Remembered by Paul Clark (Heriot books at Belle Hill)
Great memories.

Sidley Station

posted by Rod Clifton on 26 Oct 2012 at 10:11 pm

I remember the closure as I used to ride on the trains. Have a look at the Sidley facebook page, lots of pics and those that remember too.

Sidley Station

posted by Chris on 31 Oct 2012 at 8:12 pm


Sidley Station

posted by Rog on 04 Nov 2012 at 7:06 pm

My Dad was born near Sidley Station in 1919. In 1964, close to closure time we travelled the line, starting at Sidley and going down to Bexhill West, up to Crowhurst and then back to Sidley. I've just posted some rather poor pics my dad took back then on my blog at http://www.locksands.wordpress.com


posted by dave on 06 Nov 2012 at 3:30 am

Great pictures of the railway and viaduct,thanks for sharing them much appreciated.

Sidley Station House

posted by michael pannell on 31 Jan 2013 at 11:06 am

Hi Pollie
Dont know if you still live in the station house at Sidley, and i am sure the road is going to make a difference to life there. The earliest picture i have of the house is here
taken just prior to opening the railway in 1902 or very soon after. Interesting to see that when the road goes through we will see Sidley station platforms re-appear as they are still there but buried.

You Are Right RC

posted by dave on 03 Feb 2013 at 3:27 pm

Its a shame RC but I think you are right, stream lining the rail system undoubtedly did save more from closure, but in this day of more and more cars going no where faster than ever, I believe that rail is the answer,LRT light rail transit, will make a come back,as long as we don't build roads over every inch of England in the mean time that is.

The Nook, Sidley Station

posted by Lynn Fielder on 15 Jun 2014 at 6:20 pm

I was very interested to see the pictures of the old Sidley station as my great grandfather was Station Master there. My mother was born in 1932 in Bexhill and has many fond memories of spending time at The Nook, the Station Master's house.
Anyone who has any information I would be delighted to hear from them.

Sidley Station House

posted by Jane Sandy on 23 May 2015 at 6:48 pm

My grandfather was station master there!! Pollie, are you still there??

Sidley Station House

posted by Lynn Fielder on 10 Oct 2015 at 2:09 pm

Hi Jane, My grandmother was Eileen Durrant (nee Sandy), and my mother is Sylvia - I believe you are in touch with her.

Sidley Station Master's House

posted by Anne-Marie on 02 Nov 2015 at 1:34 am

Hi Lynn, do you know whether there was a 'William James Sandy' in your grandmother's family by any chance?

Sidley Station Master's House

posted by Lynn Fielder on 13 Jul 2017 at 5:28 pm

Hi Anne-Marie
Sorry it has taken so long to reply and hope you pick up this message. I did have an Uncle Bill (my Grandmother's brother), along with her brother Cyril and sisters (I believe) Laura and Renee

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