posted by Jan on 26 Jul 2009 at 5:10 pm
One of the cygnets is missing from the swan family. Does anyone know what has happened to it ? What happened to the 16 ducklings that where there a few weeks ago.Thanks
Missing Cygnets
posted by Lesley on 28 Jul 2009 at 4:45 pm
When I was in the park last week I also noticed that one of the cygnets was missing. I spoke to two park attendants who told me that one of the birds had been taken away by the "swan people" as it had a fishing line around it's neck. They told me this has happened before and once the bird is felt to be okay, it will be returned to the park - where it may, or may not, be accepted back by it's parents! The attendants were very friendly and keen to talk about the swans. They also told me each year in the Autumn the parents will reject their offspring who will then fly off and presumably set up home on their own elsewhere. Last year the parents took the cygnets to the beach and left them there!