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Bexhill trains, buses and journey planning

Use this page to plan a journey to or from Bexhill-on-Sea. Featured below are three tabs to choose from: a journey planner, bus timetables and a train timetable planner.

Bexhill journey planner

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Use this form to find out how to get from one location to another using buses, trains and your own feet (walking). This planner links through to the Traveline South East website. You have three options:

1) Enter an address, p.code or attraction.
2) Enter a town or village.
3) Enter a bus or train stop name.

Bexhill bus routes map

The latest bus map for Bexhill, courtesy of CartoGold, is below. For an interactive bus map, see the East Sussex Interactive Bus Map.

Bexhill station train times

Find out the latest Bexhill-on-Sea train station departure and arrival times by clicking the appropriate link below.

To plan a journey, see the National Rail Enquiries website.